The federal government has agreed to allow a University of Arizona researcher, Suzanne A. Sisley, to study medical marijuana as a possible treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder. As the spouse of a veteran, I know just how much of a struggle and incredibly debilitating PTSD can be, not only for those suffering from it, but also for their families. PTSD symptoms include anxiety, nightmares, flashbacks, depression, and anger, all of which contribute to a constant state of emotional distress and a feeling of hopelessness.

By now, it has been made very clear that there is a tremendous need for the treatment of PTSD; between 2002 and 2009 one million troops left active duty and came home from Iraq and Afghanistan. Since then, that number has only gone up and America has been at a loss on how to appropriately treat this large group, fresh out of combat. With high suicide rates among veterans along with copious prescription drug abuse, one thing is certain- veterans are not getting the care that they desperately need and something needs to be done to help them.

This study offers veterans and their families hope; what once seemed like an impossible illness to overcome with recurring insufferable symptoms, PTSD may now be surprisingly treatable through prescribed cannabis. The only way we can find out the true benefits of MMJ is through research, which has yet to be formally performed due to political obstacles. With Ms. Sisley officially given the OK to proceed with her study, new doors will be opened for other researchers to follow suit. It is a great day in America when we allow science to trump politics! Veterans across the nation and the people that love them are now looking forward to a brighter future. Happiness and the ability to live life with less anxiety might just happen to be one prescribed edible away!